Nightguards for Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, clinically known as bruxism, is a common issue that affects many individuals, often happening unnoticed during sleep. If left untreated, bruxism can lead to significant dental issues, including worn-down and cracked teeth, and jaw pain. At Sandgate Family Dental, we are committed to providing effective solutions to protect your dental health. One of the treatments we offer for teeth grinding is a custom nightguard.

What is a Nightguard for Teeth Grinding?

A teeth grinding nightguard is a dental appliance designed to be worn while you sleep. It acts as a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, preventing them from grinding against each other. Made from durable, medical-grade materials, nightguards are custom-fitted to the unique shape of your mouth, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness.

How Do Nightguards Work?

Nightguards work by:
Cushioning the Impact: The soft material absorbs the force of grinding, reducing the pressure on your teeth and jaw.
Preventing Tooth Damage: By providing a barrier, nightguards help prevent the wear and tear that can result from grinding.
Aligning the Jaw: Nightguards can help align the jaw in a neutral position, reducing discomfort and tension in the jaw muscles.

Benefits of Using a Nightguard

  • Protection Against Damage: Nightguards protect your teeth from excessive wear, fractures, and other forms of damage caused by grinding.
  • Pain Relief: Many patients experience relief from jaw pain, headaches, and facial pain associated with bruxism after using a nightguard.
  • Improved Sleep: By reducing the effects of teeth grinding, nightguards can contribute to a better night’s sleep for both you and your partner.
  • Custom Fit: As nightguards are custom-made, they provide a comfortable fit tailored to your unique dental structure.
person in chair at a dentist appointment with family dentist

What to Expect When Getting a Nightguard

At Sandgate Family Dental, the process of obtaining a nightguard typically involves the following steps:

Consultation: During your initial visit, our dental professionals will evaluate your teeth and jaw and discuss your symptoms.
Impressions: We will take impressions of your teeth to create a custom-fitted nightguard designed specifically for you.
Fitting: Once your nightguard is ready, you will come in for a fitting. We will make any necessary adjustments to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness.
Follow-Up: After you start using your nightguard, we may schedule a follow-up visit to check the fit and make any adjustments if necessary.

Caring for Your Nightguard

To extend the life of your nightguard, follow these care tips:

  • Rinse your nightguard with cool water after each use.
  • Brush it gently with a soft toothbrush and mild soap.
  • Store it in a protective case to prevent damage or contamination.
  • Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures, which can distort its shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you frequently wake up with headaches, jaw pain, or worn-down teeth, you may benefit from a nightguard. A consultation with our dental team can help determine the best solution for your bruxism.

While it may take some time to get used to wearing a nightguard, especially if it is your first time, our custom-fitting ensures it will be as comfortable as possible.

With proper care, a nightguard can last several years. Regular dental check-ups will ensure it is still providing adequate protection.

While nightguards are primarily designed for bruxism, they can help align the jaw, which may indirectly reduce snoring in some individuals.

In some cases, individuals may still grind their teeth; however, the nightguard will protect your teeth from damage. If this occurs, consult our dental professionals for further evaluation.

Book Your Nightguard Consultation

At Sandgate Family Dental, we prioritise your dental health and well-being. If you are struggling with teeth grinding or bruxism, a custom nightguard may be the ideal solution for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a healthier smile.